Tag Archives: bike

Mind over matter? (Guest Blog By Andy Fallon)


My name is Andy Fallon aka (@MadHeadCyclist). I’m married with 1 daughter.

Some years ago I hit the age of 44. Think that could be the start of my midlife crisis !!

I decided that I would like to start cycling again after years had passed since my teenage years..  I bought a Mountain bike and tried to cycle to Sheffield and back home to Huddersfield (about 50miles)  I did manage to get there on the bike but getting back was not so straight forward – I has to push the thing back lol
I’m no athlete – far from it I just have quite a strong mindset.

After this I was hooked ! I decided I needed a Road bike, my thought was lighter faster get further.  My next jaunt was to friends in Sunderland about 100miles, I managed this cycle after a few pit stops, although for last 20miles I had only 1 pedal but I loved it.

Next trip was Lands end to John O Groats (This is getting out of control) lol

My diet was not good on these trips (My General Diet Blog), was mainly McDs stops although later trips would be no better, but with added John Smiths beers, or wine 🙂

After being inspired by James Cracknell and Mark Beaumont I decided to try to cycle from home to Gibraltar… like James completed for Sport Relief Cross Continent Challenge, although he rowed, cycled and swam.  I just wanted to do the cycling only..

After completing this challenge in only 16 days, I was planning another big trip solo again !

With Mrs F giving the ok my adventures began……  to see what other adventures I get up to, some big ones or day ones…..  visit www.MadHeadCyclist.blogspot.com

Outdoor 24

So its January, its cold, its grey, its raining most of the time, and these are the reasons why I want to do a 24 hour run outside!

So on Saturday the 25th of January I will be celebrating Burns Night by running about (mainly) in  the dark and cold.  I will set off at 9am from Balmullo,  a small village in Fife, around  7 miles from  St Andrews and head east to the Fife Coastal Path for the next 65 miles.

But I won’t be alone, initially I was going to do this run solo, but after discussing the safety aspects of being out in the dark with no sleep for so long I am very happy to have Chris Turner (@Kwistaffa) join me for this mini adventure from the start. Chris who is no stranger to road cycling, will take on a new adventure of his own, jumping on a mountain bike and (slowly) riding a large section of the trail with me from 9am until about 3 or 4pm. We will follow the coastal trail all the way down to Leven where another great man Alistair Hunter (@allyhunter) will join the support crew. From here the boys will take it in turns cycling with me into the darkness and the small hours of the morning  while the other is enjoying the comfort of a support car.

The plan is to then get down to North Queensferry, cross the forth road bridge out towards linlithgow and turn  back towards Edinburgh, get on the canal towpath and run around a lot and await daylight returning before we triumphantly collapse at 9am Sunday morning.

I have no idea what mileage I will cover, the terrain and spending 16-17 hours in the dark will obviously reduce the miles I could run indoors on a treadmill. But it’s not about how many miles will be covered its purely for “fun”.  However this will be the longest I have run both in terms of mileage and time, previously I have run 40 and 47 miles so this will be quite a jump in distance.

I have also been running in constant pain for the last 2-3 months and have just been told that my hips are not properly aligned. My silly little left hip is rotated 2-3 millimeters backwards and this is causing problems with the sciatic nerve in my ride side affecting my lower back, hip, upper and lower leg, so again mileage is not the main concern, finishing is.

People always ask why? when they hear I’m doing something like this and I always answer for fun, but this isn’t always the reason (if you have to ask you don’t understand). Secondly people ask is it for charity? Generally people mean are you raising money for charity, but this can be hard to do, if like me you enjoy taking on lots of challenges across the year, you can’t keep asking people to donate. So I answer no but the reality of this run is it would not be possible without my connection to TACC (The Tartan Army Children’s Charity) and in turn my connection to Chris and Ally. Before my Jog4Hampden run I didn’t know either of these great men and now through the charity connection we are setting out on a mini adventure together this coming weekend as well as well as planning future events.  So if people want to donate to this or any charity just because I will be running for 24 hours most likely in the rain (it is Scotland after all) then these people are the real heroes. If by me doing something I enjoy and being able to highlight a great children’s charity then I’m more than happy to help.

Since news of the run got around it seems more people are happy to help promote a good cause. Andy Hain at Leslie Bike shop has given the trusty mountain bike riders a light that will be visible from space. This will be great for the dark sections of the trail. And It seems thanks to the generosity of Lee Murray, Chairman of East Fife FC, I shall be nipping onto the pitch at half time for some important half time duties! This will be a welcome break around the 40 mile mark and should give us all a good bit of banter.

Should probably have some haggis and a nip en route, it will be Burns Night after all #24HourHaggisRun

Some hae meat and canna eat,

And some wad eat that want it;

But we hae meat, and we can eat,

And sae let the Lord be thankitt

Back on the saddle

We had returned home from a week’s holiday in Croatia, soaking up the sun and supping a on beer and wine while stuffing our faces with top quality seafood. Now it was time to get back on the saddle. Back to the daily routine of cycling, eating and sleeping just like on my pan European cycle of 2011. Well not quite…for this as my wife would remind over the next 4 days me was a holiday not one of my silly adventures!! And she cared little for average speed, but did enjoy the QOM activity on Strava…. (The Q stands for Queen….you know like we get KOM…King)

My wife was a new and enthusiastic cyclist having purchased a nice shiny new bike only months earlier. She rode that bike daily and was addicted. I would return home from work to see the bike was gone and there was no sign of my normally perfectly timed dinner waiting for me upon my arrival home. Hungry and confused I would need to fend for myself, delving into the array of foods on offer in the fridge I threw something together and devoured it before I lost consciousness. A while later my wife would return home beaming with delight at her mini adventure on the new bike telling me all about it. By now I had fully gained my strength after eating and listened with great joy as this was something we both enjoyed and maybe I could convince her in a few years to cycle around the world with me. Well maybe France for a couple of weeks next year.

We rolled the bikes out onto the street and headed in the very familiar direction of the cycle network towards the forth road bridge. A cycle we had already completed a few times together. We stopped for a quick coffee at our regular spot before heading over the bridge and into new territory. This was the adventure starting for real I thought as we free wheeled over the bridge taking in the sights. 4 days of this would do me alright, 4 days of escapism, 4 days reliving the excitement of crossing Europe with nothing more than a horribly badly scaled map…but what’s wrong here, why are we only averaging only 7mph when I had planned for at least 10mph!! Well as my wife reminded me she only has little legs unlike me, and she is new to cycling unlike me, and THIS IS A HOLIDAY not one of your stupid adventures.

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What lay ahead was 60 miles of fairly tough cycling for a novice carrying a pannier for the first time, and someone who had only cycled about 25 miles in one go. I tried to explain that going 7mph for the next 60 miles would mean it will take us around 9 hours to complete today’s cycle. We had booked a B&B for the night so had no option but to stay there as it was already paid for. Trying to explain this without sounding like I was having a go was tough, but the thought of spending 9 hours on the bike spurred us on and we would complete the day in just less than 7 hours on the bike. I was pleasantly surprised at the quality of the cycle network we followed that day. I have cycled lots in and around Edinburgh but this was my first exposure to the cycle network further north. There was a fantastic section on the 764 route (one that connects routes 76 and 1) from Dunfermline to Alloa, it was around 18km long and followed an old railway track. There was no sign of traffic just wide open tarmac and fantastic scenery. After Alloa we make our way along towards Stirling, Bridge of Allan, Doune and finally home for the night in Callander. If you have cycled into Callander this way you will know it’s not the flattest of routes, so you can imagine how much my wife was enjoying our holiday by then.

The pain and tiredness subsided in an instant as I pointed out our b&b for the night merely 100 meters ahead of us to the right (As my wife didn’t have a cycle computer I would often tell her we had covered fewer miles than we actually had so the end would come along much quicker). We got into the room and laughed and smiled as the day was complete. I was proud of my wife for cycling such a long way and over some fairly decent hills. I gave her a high 5 and told her so. We drank some tea, got cleaned up and stuffed our faces with well earned burgers and chips, before falling asleep ready to do it again tomorrow.

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Now for the avid or even less than avid cyclist out there, the mention of one thing strikes fear into your heart….saddle sore!! I have been very lucky to never have really had a bad case but I have cycled seeing the discomfort in others and it’s not a pretty sight. However it had been a while since I had put in that long a shift on the saddle so I felt slightly tender in the morning as I gently lowered my body onto the saddle. My wife, before setting off was not up for buying or wearing padded cycling tights, on the morning of day 2 as she grimiest with disbelief at how tender her tiny little bum was on such a lovely cushioned saddle, told me around 79 times how glad she was to have got padded tights. I had tried to warn her and explain she would be sore the next morning and she would just have to try not adjusting her sitting position and just take the pain for the first hour or so before it would become acceptable. The natural thing to do is of course try to adjust your sitting position and change the main impact point so as to minimize the pain. This can cause you to adjust your pedaling stroke and increase risk of a knee injury due to the awkward cycling style you now have, especially when clipped in. It also looks really silly when you see someone sitting almost sideways shuffling around on the saddle, silly and quite funny.

So after a hearty cooked breakfast (obviously) we set of straight onto a cycle path heading north around the west bank of Loch Lubnaig, past the eastern tip of Loch Voil, through the Strathyre Forrest towards and round the north side of Loch Earn heading west through Comrie towards the end of day 2 in the lovely town of Crieff . In light of last nights mileage “we” had decided to make today’s route slightly shorter and enjoy the holiday. Most of the morning was spent uncomfortably bouncing around our saddles on a fantastic off-road forest trail. When visible, to our right stood Ben Vorlich, a 985 meter mountain that we would be slowly circling around most if not all of the day. Early on we met a young cyclist and his older but equally keen father from Newcastle who were up for a cycling holiday much similar to ours. We traded first day stories as we had followed some of the same route up from Edinburgh as they had from Glasgow, and took a short banana munching break from a fairly technical uphill section on a very narrow and overgrown path at the north tip of Loch Lubnaig. After saying goodbye we headed north following the winding path that itself followed the bendy stream that ran free from the Loch north (or south from) to Loch Voil. It was at the eastern side of this loch that we crossed over the river and swung sharply to the right back towards the A84 and our route north after the trail. As we approached the exit of the trail and the start of our road section, and with our bellies now rumbling, we noticed a fantastic hotel/bar open for business. We swiftly dismounted and walked inside to a roaring fire and the aroma of freshly cooked soup and coffee, as well as an array of other goodies for the weary travellers.


After demolishing lunch and another intense caffeine hit we were ready to hit the road. If ready was a full tummy, sitting half asleep on what was now easily the comfiest seat I had ever sat on, then yes we were ready! The road north was busy and less impressive than the mornings cycle, but I knew once we turned right onto the quieter A85 that run right across the top of Loch Earn (around 10km) we would be back to the serenity of the mornings cycle, and I was right. We slowly worked our way eastwards towards St Fillans, the mountain slowly slipping away behind us, then to Comrie and before we knew it and much earlier than the previous day (a late 7pm finish), and enjoyably mainly downhill all the way to our home for the night in Crieff.

I woke on day 3 knowing that it was going to be a cold and wet day. So far we had been lucky with the weather but that was changing today for sure. I was apprehensive as I knew like most of us fair weather cyclists how different it is cycling in a glorious sunny day compared to a wet and cold Scottish (insert any month really). For me this wouldn’t be a problem but I was worried about what my darling wife would make of cycling all day in these conditions! To my great and possibly more so my wife’s even greater surprise this would be the day we both enjoyed the most. Straight after leaving Crieff we got on a very quiet B road for a good couple of hours. It was one of those perfect back roads for cycling on, barely a car in sight, surrounded by rolling hills and beautiful Scottish farmland. We made our way south to Auchterarder and stopped for lunch  and coffee before slowly rolling towards the town of Dunning. It was then we started to climb into the hills and further south towards Kinross (our final stop over before home). To get up into the hills we started an assent up what turned out to have an average gradient of 13.4%…an AVERAGE of 13.4% people. But boy it was worth it, once up in the hills we were rewarded with some great cycling through Scotland at its best. Short steep climbs were rewarded with beautifully fast yet scenic downhills that lasted long enough to forget the pain in the legs getting to the top of these roller coasters. It was on the last downhill that my wife hit 35mph. I think I got close to 45mph, tapping on the brakes trying not to get to far in front just in case anything happened. I pulled over eventually after rolling for what could have easily been 2 miles, my wife kept on going grinning as she flew past me. After we caught up another mile or so down the road I could tell my wife was on a proper adrenaline high, this was the fastest she had ever gone on 2 wheels and she loved it! If you have ever gone downhill on a bike at speed you will know exactly how it feels, slowly working up to the big gear and grinding away until you reach that speed where you know its time to steady the bike, hold on and enjoy. And if you haven’t, go get on a bike, climb a big hill and cycle down it as fast as you dare, cycle down it like you used to do as a kid, when you had no fear, its one of the best feelings and one that evokes great memories.



Day 4 was the final day of our mini adventure, the final day of our holiday and a proper holiday cycle was in store. It was mainly flat or slightly downhill all the way home and we only had about 30 miles to cover.  After our usual lazy morning packing up, eating the B&B breakfast and getting the bikes ready for the road we set off from the banks of Loch Leven and headed south along yet another lovely quiet B road to the cosmopolitan town of Cowdenbeath. After being spoilt with B roads, quiet back roads and off-road cycle paths, it was strange but somewhat a jolt back to reality to once again be tooted at by cars who clearly had to get somewhere quickly and didn’t realize I was I was on a bloody holiday here! The car beeping its horn was strange as I was cycling behind my wife and we were clearly both not blocking the car from going round us. I turned round looked in the car to see a sheepish looking woman staring back at me blankly, I shrugged my shoulders and smiled as to say “good day, may I assist you in any way”, this was met with further blankness. The car noticing a small 50 foot gap in the road and clearly in the wrong gear, roared past and off to whatever important (no)thing lay ahead that day. Further south we headed and closer to home with every pedal stroke. After stopping in Inverkeithing for lunch we headed in the wrong direction completely and back the way we had just cycled. Luckily my wife was more alert than me and announced that we had just cycled on this road, but the other way. I looked around and in all honesty didn’t recognize a thing. I hesitated and asked if she was sure as I didn’t recognize a thing, I was clearly informed we had JUST cycled this was moments ago and we had to go back. I hate going the wrong way if I’m walking, running or cycling, it’s so infuriating going back over old ground!! So back we headed and…Ah yes, now I recognise this road, clearly it looks totally different going the other way.

From Inverkeithing it was a lovely cycle back towards the forth bridges and back to Edinburgh. Back on the familiar cycle paths and rolling hills. As we cycled home thoughts turned to, well a cup of tea first, but then the overall experience of our first mini cycling holiday. On a personal note it was great to be doing this with my wife, not something I would have imagined we would be doing together a few years ago. For my wife it was different, this was all new, this was a step into the unknown, her first cycling adventure, 4 days cycling round the country all on her own steam, something that gives you great satisfaction upon completion. As you head for home at the end of any trip big or small, there is a great sense of achievement and for different reasons I think we both felt it as we turned left into our street, hopped off the bikes hobbled upstairs and put the kettle on.

For my money you will be hard pushed to find a better country to cycle in. You may get a country more tolerant to the humble cyclist than our own, but maybe that’s all part of the charm cycling in this great country, we get to have that little moan about that driver who blankly stares back at you after they toot their horn and you shrug your shoulders, look at them and think………what an arsehole!

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Athens to Edinburgh in 5 minutes

In preparation for some new upcoming mini adventures I decided to get some new editing software. Before editing a new video from scratch I though I would have a little play around and familiarize myself with the new editing suite and threw together a short recap of my Parthenon 2 Parthenon cycle from Athens back in 2011 in the magical form of some pictures and music. So enjoy a 2 month adventure in just over 5 minutes…

Am I training hard enough?

I have always enjoyed training, whether this was football training or training for an upcoming endurance event I had planned. Before each event I always doubted that I had done enough training in the previous months in the lead up to the event! I would often try to recap what I had done and justify every last mile I had run or cycled and every poor gym session or swim thinking it was always better than doing nothing and that’s probably true but no matter what I always felt I could have done more.

I’m well aware that this is no doubt a common feeling for anyone in a similar position, whether just about to run a 5k, 10k, a marathon or in the case of Andrew Murray either running from Scotland to the Sahara or 7 ultra marathons in 7 days on 7 continents!!

However any doubts about the level of training I had done or not done would be forgotten about upon my triumphant return to Edinburgh after cycling from Athens in the summer of 2011. Nor would I have doubts about my level of training once completing a very hilly (equivalent of twice the height of Ben Nevis) 47 mile run around Arthur’s Seat in Edinburgh after never running more than 13 miles before, And in the summer of 2012 giggling my way to the steps of Hampden Park after dribbling my way down 300 miles in 10 days from John O’Groats it was all too easy wasn’t it?

Well no of course it wasn’t easy but I’m proud of getting to the end of each challenge running and cycling through the pain/swelling/blisters. I like the fact that when the going got tough I got going! But could I have prevented some of the pain, had I trained hard enough?

They say “If you think you’re training hard enough…double it” and for 2013 this is my mantra. I will ask myself ‘am I training hard enough’

Treble12Challenge #7 – Coasting home

Treble12Challenge #7 – Coasting home

On Sunday 19th August myself, Mark Beaumont and Alex Glasgow will complete a coast 2 coast mountain bike ride from the north east coast of Scotland starting in Buckie, heading south west to our end point in Kinlochleven.

Whilst former XC mountain bike champion Alex will act as guide for myself and Mark, top mountain bike guide and co-owner of Highlands & Islands Adventures Euan Wilson will provide support and assistance along the route.

Alex also acts as a guide for Highlands & Islands Adventures who are providing us with fantastic support for this challenge, and without them we wouldn’t be able to take on such a huge challenge.

H&I Adventures offers incredible mountain bike tours in the Scottish Highlands that will take you to some of the most stunning and unspoilt corners of Scotland. Our mountain bike tours include remote riding on the Isle of Skye; in Torridon on Scotland’s rugged west coast; a coast-to-coast adventure; and the natural beauty of the Cairngorms National Park. We’ve hand-picked the best trails against the most beautiful back-drops, not to mention the best Highland food and accommodation, so if this sounds like the tour for you, ride this way…..

Below is our planned route. It’s around 220km (150 miles) and of course we plan to take 12 hours to complete it.

Stage 1 – Buckie to Fochabers – 14.5km

Stage 2 – Fochabers to Craigellachie – 19.5km – Total 34km

Stage 3 – Craigellachie to Grantown on Spey – 38km – Total 72km

Stage 4 – Grantown on Spey to Nethy Bridge – 8km – total 80km

Stage 5 – Nethy Bridge to Loch Morlich – 15km – Total 95km

Stage 6 – Loch Morlich to Feshiebridge – 19km – Total 114km

Stage 7 – Feshiebridge to Kingussie – 14km – Total 128km

Stage 8 – Kingussie to Newtonmore – 5km – Total 133km

Stage 9 – Newtonmore to Laggan – 12km – Total 145km

Stage 10 – Laggan to Loch Laggan – 10km – Total 155km

Stage 11 – Loch Laggan to Loch Ossian – 30km – Total 185km

Stage 12 – Loch Ossian to Kinlochleven – 33km – Total 218km approx


If you fancy taking on your own Scottish Coast2Coast these are the guys to guide you throught it.

Wish me luck


Parthenon 2 Parthenon

I made this for posterity more than anything else but if you enjoy a good old video blog your in luck……

In the summer of 2011 with my great mate Chris Strother(who you will see is very camera shy) we cycled unsupported from Athens – Edinburgh

Here is the journey as i recall it…

Pre P2P Cycle Tour Videos


This is a small collection of videos we made prior to our cycle in the summer. I think this will give you a better idea of who I am and the kind of fun we had cycling through Europe.

The other less attractive lad in the videos is my great pal Chris Strother. If like me you enjoy a tweet and a giggle then check him out right HERE

Below is a short trailer video for the upcoming full video that im slowly but surely editing.

Thanks for reading and watching


The Treble12 Challenge


Endurance; the ability to endure an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way

Stamina; the ability to sustain prolonged physical or mental effort

Strength; the emotional or mental qualities necessary in dealing with difficult or distressing situations

The above words and meanings would to lots of people read negatively or perhaps fill them full of fear and dread, but to me they make me feel scared excited. There are many stories I could tell you about amazing feats of endurance, mental strength and stamina, but the chances are you will already know all about them or have heard similar stories or perhaps even have your own story to tell. These stories will all no doubt involve people doing something for a vast amount of time or covering a huge mass of land or sea. But for me an endurance challenge can quite easily last only for a few days, or even a few hours depending on who you are and what you are doing.

In 2012 I plan to take part in 12 mini endurance challenges all lasting 12 hours, I am calling it the ‘Treble12 Challenge


I will try to complete one challenge a month and aim to and make each challenge different, both in the activities I do and a mixture of mental and physical. I have a very very long list of quite frankly ludicrous ideas and a few applicable ideas that I have already started making plans for.


I’m really keen to involve other people in these challenges, and am especially keen to involve people who have never taken part in any type of endurance challenges before, and hopefully ignite a fire inside them to go on and do similar challenges in the future. But Im also looking forward to sharing these experiences with people of a similar mind frame.


I find it fascinating to see how far the human body can be pushed before its breaks or gives in. More fascinating to me is seeing people push themselves further than they ever imagined and achieving things they never thought possible.

If you have any thoughts or ideas regarding this challenge please get in touch via this blog or on Twitter (@stuart_doyle) even if its to simply share your stories with me.

Force of habit

For the past couple of months I have been running to and from work (as well as many many laps of Arthur’s Seat). I have been doing this for various reasons, the first being simply to get to work and keep fit, but also in preparation for a lot of running next year. Another reason is I had just spent 2 months on a bike and lost a lot of my fitness and endurance levels, yes I could cycle all day but coming back into pre season training proved I could hardly run for more than 30 minutes! And lastly I look cool as fuck arriving at work all sweaty and fit….

Anyway what’s the point I hear you ask? Well, my point is this….Recently I injured my left foot running, nothing serious but enough to know from experience that it would be best to not run for a few days and let it fully heal as opposed to continuing to run and cause myself more pain and damage. So on a cold and wet thursday morning I sat upstairs on a warm bus and enjoyed the 45 minutes bus journey to work (I can run it in 25 minutes) I even read some of the metro and sent a few tweets, kicking back almost nodding off due to only 6 hours sleep and the lovely warmth of the bus and the slow rocking motion as we stopped every 2 minutes at lights or road works or the new tram lines being laid etc etc…..What a lovely way to start the day isn’t it?

NO I hated every minute of it wishing I could get off into the cold, wind and rain and run the rest of the journey!

I started thinking later that night why I hated the bus journey so much and wanted to run instead. Maybe I knew I could get there quicker? Maybe I felt lazy? I used to love getting the bus a while ago, used to love being all warm and relaxing before I got to work so what changed?

Well, I can’t say for sure and I can’t speak for everyone but I think we are all creatures of habit and I had just got into the habit of running to work the same way I brush my teeth every night right before bed without thinking why I do it. Yes, I know its good for my teeth and will prevent gum disease and all sorts of things just like running and keeping fit will do all sorts of good things for me and my body but I don’t think about all these things when I wake up tie my laces and start running, I ‘just do it ‘

Habits are simply routines that we repeat regularly and more often than not occur subconsciously. They can also be extremely hard to break. So if you’re in the habit of getting on that bus every morning, try your best to break this habit and start getting into the habit of cycling, walking, or running to work it will change your life, or maybe just that first 30 minutes of your day.